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domingo, 16 de agosto de 2009

Madonna, Whitney Houston and Rihanna to Appear on X Factor?

The next season of Simon Cowell’s UK TV talent show The X Factor is sure to be a ratings hit — Madonna, Whitney Houston and Rihanna are all lined up to appear.

Britney Spears and Beyonce appeared on the smash hit TV show’s 2008 season.

And Cowell is keen to repeat the rating success — so has signed deals with the three aforementioned pop divas and British singer Robbie Williams.

According to British newspaper The Sun, news of the deals leaked after The X Factor choreographer Brian Friedman boasted about the talent due to perform on the show.

“Brian is really excited about this year’s show because there are some great artists involved,” a source told the tabloid.

“He is proud to be part of it and admires Simon’s ability to attract A-listers.”

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