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jueves, 19 de julio de 2007


Diane Warren podría haber sido entrevista en XM radio. Al parecer Diane habó de la canción que ha escrito para el nuevo trabajo de Whitney :"I Didn't Know How Much Strength I Had" (la cual todavia no esta grabada), mencionando que todo sigue su curso y que Whitney se encuentra muy bien, y describiéndola como LA MEJOR CANTANTE DEL MUNDO.

Esto este es el resumen que publica XM radio, en el cual no se menciona nada de Whitney, pero al parecer, en la entrevista completa sí se habló de ella:

Songwriter Diane Warren
Original Air Date: July 18, 2007
Diane Warren is one of the most successful songwriters in the music industry, having penned more than 90 top 10 hits. She's also the woman behind many of Gayle's all-time favorite songs, including "How Can I Live," "Love Will Lead You Back" and "Don't Want to Miss a Thing." Gayle welcomes Diane to the show to talk about the inspiration behind her work and the creative process.

Diane says she was just 7 when she knew she wanted to be a songwriter. "I was born loving music," she says. "It was always my friend." Diane says it was that passion for songwriting, coupled with her natural talent, that helped make her the songwriting star she is today. "You have to hone your craft but you also have to be born with a certain amount of talent, and I never took the talent for granted—I've always worked really hard to be as good as I could be," she says. "It's a gift, really, and I respect the gift."

While most of her songs deal with romance and love, Diane says she has never really been head-over-heels in love herself. She says that her personal experiences inform what she writes, but that she doesn't necessarily write about herself. "I think [with] the best songs, there really has to be some of you in there, even if it's not your conscious thoughts," she says.

A wide variety of artists across a range of musical genres, including Patti LaBelle, LeAnn Rimes and Celine Dion, have all recorded Diane's songs with great success. Diane says that when she was writing "Don't Want to Miss a Thing," she never imagined it would be sung by Aerosmith's Steven Tyler, but she was blown away by the resulting piece. "When you take a sensitive lyric like that and you have that macho voice on it, it's so brilliant and it's what every woman wants to hear," she says.


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